The story ... so far ...

Located at Brookvale on Sydney’s stunning Northern Beaches Surf Coast & home to many of the Country’s top  Surf Board Shapers, the birth of  SurfSide Motorcycle Garage was a natural progression for three local fellas who have motorcycles in their blood!

So how did this unique destination come to be?

As one door closes another one opens – so the saying goes. Shortly after a motorcycle business known to many as Classic Ride shut down, Trev, the Head Mechanic for that business was approached by his mate RoadRat with a far reaching idea to bring something unique to the Motor Cycling Community……..Trev was in!

Trev is a uniquely gifted motorcycle mechanic, side-car racer, ex TAFE instructor and shrewd businessman. He & RoadRat knew that with the right people anything can be done. With that inspiration they got together with Rob to start what is now a decade old business partnership.

RoadRat is an old school enthusiast, well known & respected in the Riding Community for many years. He has accumulated both and a stable of classic Harleys and a lifetime of riding adventures, leading to a deep knowledge of all things touring and vintage – he is also a natural deal maker and successful founder/owner of half a dozen businesses.

Rob has been riding since the 1970’s and has a passion for big bore Italian classics. He knew Trev through a Laverada custom build that he commissioned. He also happens to be a numbers man and great people person.

Bike bloke, businessman & banker – three amigos with a shared dream – an old school motorcycle garage in the modern world. That was back in 2012., lets get to work...

Over the next 12-18 months, the shop front was painted, a  sign made, lights put up and the Diner created. A very original style Americana 1950’s Happy Days diner that  became a fantastic meeting point for riders who have turned out to be an amazing and loyal clientele.


Rare, fast, out of production for decades? No problem we work on them every day.


SurfSide has always been more that a motorcycle workshop – part of the riding community, a gathering point & the start of adventures. To help bring that to life Rob thought while the Diner was being  created SurfSide could put on free coffee and biscuits so that riders had a reason to get out for a ride on a Saturday morning and get to know us.


Many, many late nights were had and a few beers were consumed , the Diner was created and  furnished in the style of the 50’s booths were installed, and an opening window fitted to the front of the building for that outdoor/indoor feel.


The road ahead

Having created SurfSide Motorcycle Garage the next challenge was to get the riding community know we were on the map.

A 3 bloke, many beer brainstorm concluded that if your build it they will come. We had to have a reason for the riding community to be here – what better reason that a party? The SurfSide Show’n Shine was born – 55 shows and 9 years later the party continues.

The first show we put on was in March 2014 and was Euro -themed followed by a British, then an American, then a Japanese, then a two-stroke and finally an Xmas Motorcycle Show. The annual cycle of motorcycle shows was born.

The workshop is always spruced up on Show Day and the doors open for guests to view the tasty & unique treats lurk in the workshop.

SurfSide has always prided itself in, and delivered top-shelf restorations and customs, including many Trophy Winners. Each one crafted by Trev – from Benelli 6 cylinder restos to wild Enfield customs anything is possible in the workshop.

At the ready

The workshop is always spruced up on Show Day and the doors open for guests to view the tasty & unique treats lurk in the workshop – beyond the normal gaze of the public.

SurfSide has always prided itself in, and delivered top-shelf restorations and customs, including many Trophy Winners. Each one crafted by Trev – from Benelli 6 cylinder restos to wild Enfield customs anything is possible in the workshop.

The shop and its client base has gone from strength to strength, growing each year and always evolving – our workshop has become Sydney’s largest classic workshop.


One of SurfSide's legendary Show'n Shines
RoadRat, Trev & Rob - 3 Amigos

SurfSide’s Opening Party was a magic day of rock, motorcycles and a dream coming together

Motorcycles, beer, sport, great food, great people
Biggles & Algy off on another perlious mission.

© Copyright 2021 Surfside All Rights Reserved